Sexual Health Education Online Course for Parents

Helping Kids Navigate a Complex World

An Online Course for Parents

Do you feel short changed by your own Sex Ed or unprepared to talk with your children about sexual health and relationships?

Our live online class empowers parents to have meaningful and ongoing conversations with their children without fear.

Sexual Health Education Online Course for Parents

Helping Kids Navigate a Complex World

An Online Course for Parents

Do you feel short changed by your own Sex Ed or unprepared to talk with your children about sexual health and relationships?

Our live online class empowers parents to have meaningful and ongoing conversations with their children without fear.


Course objectives:

  • Designed to help parents of kids and teens (ages 10-18) better prepare your children to make healthy decisions by positioning you as a resource of choice and enabling you to effectively communicate your beliefs and values
  • Build parents’ confidence about talking with their children about sexuality
  • Pave the way for open and ongoing communication

Instruction Intent:

  • Provide parents with a framework for articulating their beliefs and values
  • Develop skills and strategies for effective communication
  • Help parents formulate an action plan

Parents and Caregivers Acquire The Tools To:

  • Identify and capitalize on teachable moments.
  • Position themselves as a resource of choice.
  • Transform “The Talk” into an open and ongoing conversation


Course Details:

  • Meet in real time live online.
  • One 1.5 hour session on the same day and time each week for six weeks.
  • Each session includes time for Q&A and to address individual questions.
  • Cost is $319 per person for the six session series.

Course Objectives:

  • Designed to help parents of kids and teens (ages 10-18) better prepare your children to make healthy decisions by positioning you as a resource of choice and enabling you to effectively communicate your beliefs and values
  • Build parents’ confidence about talking with their children about sexuality
  • Pave the way for open and ongoing communication

Instruction Intent:

  • Provide parents with a framework for articulating their beliefs and values
  • Develop skills and strategies for effective communication
  • Help parents formulate an action plan

Parents and Caregivers Acquire The Tools To:

  • Identify and capitalize on teachable moments.
  • Position themselves as a resource of choice.
  • Transform “The Talk” into an open and ongoing conversation

Course Details:

    • Meet in real time live online.
    • One 1.5 hour session on the same day and time each week for six weeks.
    • Each session includes time for Q&A and to address individual questions.
    • Cost is $319 per person for the six session series.

Sessions 1-3

Session 1:  Group Norms, Program Overview, Birth Control Revisited + All the things no one ever taught you about bodies and how to talk to your kids about it.

Session 2:  Upping your Sexual Health IQ: Advanced Safer Sex Practices and Helping Teens Assess & Mitigate Risk.

Session 3:  Consent is not intuitive – all the conversations you forgot or wouldn’t think to have with your kids.

Sessions 4-6

Session 4:  What does sexually healthy look like to you? Examining Parental Beliefs & Values around Relationships, Sex, and Pleasure.

Session 5:  Addressing Porn, Media Literacy, Gender Identity & Roles, and Orientation consistent with your family’s beliefs and values.

Session 6:  Confronting all that is terrifying: how to effectively discuss rape, partner violence, harassment, and abuse with teens.

Teachable Moments

Once I started recognizing teachable moments, I saw them everywhere, and I’ve already had a slew of important conversations I wouldn’t have otherwise.

Dan S.

My Kids Seek Me Out

I didn’t know I had it in me, but apparently I do! My kids actually seek me out now to make sense of the things they see and feel and I couldn’t be more grateful.

Lisa M.

Prepared Me

My child recently “came out.” Had I not been prepared for this conversation, I don’t think it would have gone as well as it did – or if it would have happened at all.

Debbie Z.


Parents Are The Primary Sexuality Educators of Their Children…

…and our job is to support and empower you in that role. If connecting with your tween or teen about sensitive topics — like sex, sexuality, decision making, and violence/harassment — comes easy, or whether like many parents, you struggle, our parent program has something for everyone.

From identifying and capitalizing on teachable moments and positioning yourself as a resource of choice, to examining your own beliefs and values and deciding which ones you want to pass on and instill (and which ones you’d rather not) — to approaching hard to discuss topics like sexual decision making, navigating birth control, confronting violence, and more — our parent participants tell us that our parent program is a one of a kind experience.

Meet Samantha Gerard, Course Instructor

As the Founder and CEO of Talk, The New Sex Ed, Samantha’s work empowers teens to make informed, responsible choices about their relationships and sexual health, and helps parents foster an ongoing dialogue to guide teens’ decision-making.

As the first Post-Graduate Fellow at Carnegie Mellon University’s Institute for Social Innovation, Samantha conducted extensive research on where Sex Ed was missing the mark and designed an alternative approach based on the needs teens and parents articulated.

For more than 12 years, Samantha has provided knowledge and support to thousands of parents enabling them to promote healthy decision making with their children.

Making a Lifelong Impact

“Helping Kids Navigate a Complex World” Online Course for Parents is based on an approach that meets parents where they are, developed from 12,000+ teaching hours with 7000+ teens and thousands of parents over 12 years.

Sexual Health Education Online Course for Parents


We offer classes based on parents’ availability and interest. Before school and evening groups are typically available to accommodate all of the parents who wish to participate. Groups meet for a 1.5 hour session on the same day and time each week for six weeks. We will be in touch with you for potential schedules.

Please complete the questionnaire below to let us know what works best for you:

Join our community!

Talk With Kids and Teens is a private group on Facebook for parents to enable communication and to support positive decision making about relationships and sexual health and wellness.