Helping Kids Navigate A Complex World 

An Online Course for Parents

Parents are the primary sexuality educators of their children and our job is to support and empower you in that role. If talking with your child about sensitive topics about sexual health comes easy to you, or like many parents, you struggle, our program has something for everyone. Our parent participants tell us that our program is an invaluable, one of a kind educational experience.

Sexual Health Education Online Course for Parents

Course Objectives:

  • Provide you with a framework for articulating your beliefs and values
  • Develop skills and strategies for effective communication
  • Help you formulate an action plan
  • Build your confidence about talking with your kids about sexuality and healthy relationships
  • Pave the way for open and ongoing communication

Participants Learn To:

  • Identify and capitalize on teachable moments

  • Position you as a resource of choice

  • Examine your beliefs and values, and decide which to instill (and which ones you’d rather not)

  • Approach hard to discuss topics like sexual decision making, navigating birth control, confronting violence, and more

Course Details:

  • This class is designed for parents and caregivers of kids and teens ages 10-18, of all gender identities 
  • Six (6) live online class sessions, 90-minutes each
  • Includes time each session to answer your questions
  • Cost $319 USD per person


  • This course is an online format via Zoom, adapted from in-person classroom curriculum that has served thousands of young people and adults. Joining the session will require a laptop or desktop computer or a cell phone or tablet.
  • No recording or playback will be available. This is a live class, and you must be available to participate on the date/time you select.
  • We are not able to provide refunds or exchanges.

“Helping Kids Navigate A Complex World” Online Course for Parents


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